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    Orthopaedic Clinic

    Dr. Jorge de las Heras

    in MURCIA.

    Foot, Ankle, Knee and Hip Surgery, Sports and Regenerative Medicine, Osteoarthritis and Prosthetics, Fractures and Sequelae.

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    Calle Alejandro Séiquer 2, Entlo. dcha, 30001 Murcia
    Official orthopaedic clinic of Dr. Jorge de las Heras in Murcia. Orthopaedic surgeon expert in reconstructive surgery of the hip, knee, foot and ankle at Clinictrauma, Murcia, and member of the traumatology team at the Quirón Valle del Henares Hospital in Madrid. Specialist in sports injuries of the knee and ankle, hip, knee and ankle replacement, foot and ankle reconstruction, hand surgery and shoulder surgery. Doctor in Medicine and Surgery. Trained in England and Valencia. Editor of 5 international Orthopaedic journals and author of numerous articles and books in his field. Consulta oficial del traumatología del Dr. Jorge de las Heras en Murcia. Traumatólogo experto en Cirugía reconstructiva de cadera, rodilla, pie y tobillo en Clinictrauma, Murcia, y miembro del equipo de traumatología del Hospital Quirón Valle del Henares de Madrid. Especialista en lesiones deportivas de rodilla y tobillo, prótesis de cadera, rodilla y tobillo, reconstrucción de pie y tobillo, cirugía de la mano y del hombro. Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Formado en Inglaterra y Valencia. Editor de 5 revistas internacionales de Traumatología y autor de numerosos artículos y libros en su campo.
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    Expert team in the latest advances to surgically treat foot and ankle problems. Deformities, persistent pain, limitation of walking and all types of diseases are treated. We specialize in corrective surgery for previous surgeries that have failed with a high guarantee of improvement after our intervention.

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    We are specialized in the surgical treatment of hip disease. The latest advances in prosthesis surgery are used, using the least invasive techniques that improve both results and recovery after surgery, and also the best and most advanced prosthesis models on the market, at a moderate cost.

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    We use all our years of experience to treat athletes for various knee injuries, using the most current and least invasive arthroscopic techniques, ensuring in a high percentage of cases the prompt and complete return to their sporting activity.


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    Our advanced knee prosthesis surgery team uses the latest techniques and most durable implants that allow a very high percentage of prompt recovery of normal activities, with unimaginable prosthesis longevity.



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    Dr. Jorge de las Heras

    Orthopaedic Surgeon

    Knowledgeable of the Anglo-Saxon work methodology and mastering the English language perfectly, so necessary to carry out the activity as an ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEON and to be up to date with the latest advances. Trained in England and Valencia.

    He carries out his private activity at CLINICTRAUMA, in Murcia and at the Quirón Valle del Henares Hospital in Madrid.


    Orthopaedic surgeon expert in reconstructive surgery of the knee, foot and ankle at CLINICTRAUMA Murcia, and also member of orthopaedic team at Hospital Quirón Valle del Henares, Madrid. Doctor in Medicine and Surgery with an outstanding doctoral thesis "cum laude". Master's Degree in Research in Clinical Medicine, Master's Degree in Bioethics, University Expert in Health Legislation. Currently a member of numerous Spanish and international orthopaedic societies and author of numerous articles and books in his field. Director of the biannual Course on Foot and Ankle Surgery in Murcia and the World Conference of Traumatology in Madrid and Paris. Editor of 5 international orthopaedic journals. Professor of the ESSKA (European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy) and AEA Teacher (Asociación Española de Artroscopia).


    Research interests: sports injuries of the knee and ankle, knee and ankle prosthesis, foot and ankle reconstruction.



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    Children's flat foot

    Simple and effective forever surgical treatment of severe or painful deformities of children's feet. Minimum surgery with maximum guarantees.

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    Hallux Valgus (painful bunion)

    Cirugía correctora desde la leve a la más severa deformidad con la mínima incisión posible y estupendos resultados.Recuperación de la marcha normal y desaparición del dolor.

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    Advanced Knee Prostheses

    Designed to correct any degree of deformity depending on the severity of osteoarthritis. Disappearance of pain and recovery of normal walking.

    Reconstruction of the Cruciate Ligament and meniscal repair

    Specialized in high quality sports surgery. We recover athletes to their usual sport in the shortest time and with guarantees of improvement.

    The video shows the evaluation before undergoing reconstruction for a cruciate ligament rupture. The prior physical examination is essential for the surgery to be effective.

    Surgical treatment of injuries in professional athletes

    Like the anterior cruciate ligament of this elite athlete. You can visualize an incredible achievement after the reconstruction of his anterior cruciate ligament.

    Minimally invasive prostheses

    Like this patelar replacement of young lady, with an amazing range of movement and stability after her patelar only knee replacement.

    Very advanced reconstruction prostheses.

    Achieving excellent alignment and incredible mobility after sustituting her knee for thi hinge amazing knee replacement. Amazing mobility and stability.

    New approaches for the treatment of fractures.

    Approach that improves recovery and accuracy of fracture reduction, achieving a better overall result.


    Total Knee Replacement

    8990 €

    Total Hip Replacement


    Cruciate ligament of the knee


    Meniscal repair of the knee


    Arthroscopy of the knee


    Bunions (hallux valgus)


    Dupuytren of the hand


    Carpal tunnel syndrome


    All prices include operating room expenses, hospitalization, hospital medication, prostheses and implants and doctor expenses (including 2 free postoperative visits). All inclusive. *

    *Postoperative physiotherapy expenses and transfers not included

  • Clinictrauma, Murcia

    C. Alejandro Séiquer 2, Entresuelo derecha, 30002, Murcia
    Private patients
    +34 968 97 46 64
  • Hospital Quirón Valle del Henares, Madrid

    Av. de la Constitución, 249, 28850 Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid
    Private patients and all companies
    +34 913 33 34 44